Meshing it up!

Friday, September 09, 2011

Hello girls!

I´ve been getting some demos of mesh clothes, and i think they´re wonderful, they move with the avatar, and everything you hear about it everyday. I just started to wonder how i could work it in a fashion way.
So this is my shot on my first first first mesh dress! Hope you like it !


Les crédits:

Skin: AMD - Atalise - Pale

Hair: - Hilary - Timid Brown

Sunglasses: FNKY - Luna Glasses - Black

Necklace: MANDALA - KAGETORA necklace - black

Trench Coat: =DeLa= - Anne Trench Coat - White

Dress: JANE - tank dress chevron - eggplant

Clutch Bag: [ORTA]

Leggings: Gawk!

Boots: J's Leg attach Long Boots

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