Monday, January 14, 2019
Hey guys!
New from Glam Affair! They just released this skin called Calire for the Kustom9 event! This skin fits better in the new Lelutka heads (Aida, Vera and Piper), and after trying it on my heads, I ended up choosing Aida, that looked like a kitten girl after some minor tweaks in the shape, and I just love this result so much, this skin is so cute!
Go try your demo, I hope you love it too!
Have a great week ahead and see you in the next post!
APPEARANCEHead: Lelutka - Aida
Hair: Truth - Athena - (VIP group gift)
Skin+freckles: Glam Affair - Calire (Lelutka) - (New at Kustom9)
Eyeshadow: I'm wearing an old eyeshadow applier from the Lelutka Karin static head with a high transparency, just to give that J-Lo smokiness under the eyes
Skin+freckles: Glam Affair - Calire (Lelutka) - (New at Kustom9)
Eyeshadow: I'm wearing an old eyeshadow applier from the Lelutka Karin static head with a high transparency, just to give that J-Lo smokiness under the eyes
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