On my way to grandma's

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Hey guys!

You must've seen this release everywhere already, but I don't mind posting it too lol!

Toksik released this completely amazing gacha set called Ensnare, and it's available at the Epiphany event. You can see the set details here!

It is so beautiful and well made, I was so impressed that I was walking around wearing it for a couple of days. Wear it with some leather boots and you will feel like a hunter in the magic forest.

Go and get yours, it's totally worth it!

Have a great saturday and see you in the next post!



Hair: Navy&Copper - Parfait - Blondes - (FaMESHed)


Dress+Cape+Shotgun: Toksik - Ensnare Gacha(Epiphany)
Boots: Blueberry - Celia Boots


Basket of apples: Soedara


Ruins: DaD - Byron Ruined Tower

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