
Queen Bee

Monday, September 17, 2018

Hey guys!

Studio Exposure is releasing a set called Queen Bee for Kustom9. The set consists of a gorgeous hairbase, a bun and this beautiful set of eyeshadows and lipsticks. There's not much to say or explain because it is so gorgeous that it speaks louder than words, I'm in love with their hairbases and their makeup are really beautiful. I'm becoming repetitive, so bye lol

All the links are listed down below, go get yours and get gorgeous too!

Have a great week and see you in the next post!



Hairbase+Bun+Makeup: Studio Exposure - Queen Bee Collection (New at Kustom9)


Rings: Real Evil Industries -  Luxy Rings SetRings+Bracelet: Avaway - Love Bracelets & Rings

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